Сеул / велопарковка

Список велопарковок и велостоянок на карте города Сеул. Вы также можете сами добавить известную вам парковку для велосипедов, если её ещё нет на карте ВелоМеста.

В вашем городе еще не добавлено ни одной велопарковки.

Ближайшие веломеста

AURG 디자인

South korea, ,
한국 창의적 환경의 역동적인 심장부에서 번창하는 AURG 디자인은 혁신과 창의성을 촉발하는 진정한 선구자입니다. 이 역동적인 디자인 에이전시는 치열한 경쟁이 치열한 영역에서 자신의 정체성을 예술적으로 조각해 왔으며, 한국의 전통 예술성과 최첨단 디자인 컨셉을 완벽하게 융합하여 미적 우수성의 새로운 시대를 열었습니다.
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루트바이크 (2047 м)

서울시 용산구 한강대로 72 (한강로2가) 1층, Сеул, Южная Корея
  • Веломагазин
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용산MTB (2214 м)

서울 용산구 한강로1가 292-3, 140-011, Сеул, Южная Корея
  • Веломагазин
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Watts Cycling (2679 м)

Hannam-daero 20-gil, Yongsan-gu 13 Seoul, Сеул, Южная Корея
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청계바이크 (2872 м)

서울 성동구 하왕십리동 258번지, 청계벽산아파트상가 A동 101호, Сеул, Южная Корея
  • Веломагазин
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Kims Bike (2895 м)

Geumho-dong, Seongdong- 103-3 Seoul, Сеул, Южная Корея
  • Веломагазин
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Here are some tips for finding safe parking for your bicycle:

  1. Look for designated bike parking areas, such as racks or lockers, in the locations you frequent. These areas are specifically designed for bicycles and can provide a safe and secure place to park your bike.

  2. If designated bike parking is not available, look for other secure options, such as a fenced-in area or a well-lit and busy location. This can help to deter theft and provide peace of mind while your bike is parked.

  3. Consider using a bike lock to secure your bicycle to a fixed object, such as a bike rack or a pole. This can provide an extra layer of security and make it more difficult for someone to steal your bike.

  4. If you are parking your bike at home, consider keeping it inside a garage or shed. This can provide additional protection from the elements and potential theft.

  5. Always be aware of your surroundings and the potential risks when parking your bicycle. If you are unsure about the safety of a particular location, it is better to err on the side of caution and look for a safer alternative.

  6. Consider using a GPS tracker or other security device to monitor your bike and alert you if it is moved or tampered with while parked. This can provide added peace of mind and help you to quickly respond to any potential security threats.

  7. Finally, it is always a good idea to register your bicycle with your local police department. This can help to recover your bike if it is stolen, and can also make it easier to prosecute the thief if they are caught.